Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sacrificial Bam Deck List

60/365 "of convictions and acquittals"

Thanks guys! The dedication is for Ng Leibi that "repaired" in fact I look like Fidel Castro, she said. I fell so in grace that I prepared this photo. The picture has nothing to do with my ideology or political identification ca. I'm not a fan of anything or anyone ... well, a chin of LICEY, but a CHIN, even that I've been shuffling. The picture does have to do with a look at the past and the future of these two characters ... the Korda Che and Fidel Leibi ... one proclaimed "until victory always" and another said that history would absolve him . So far, the Che is going to take the test, idolized by millions who see him as the revolutionary pure, and it was really urgent cause Che an idealist, but it was not a saint, nor had to be ... the revolutions and wars are not pretty or prays in them are terrible, sometimes necessary and sometimes preventable.

... The only certainty is that history is written by the victors ... or maybe not, because when that phrase was invented there was no Internet, no blogs or social networks, and so many different opinions in media was just a groupie ... ... to the Club of Scholars. But then and now, few and many were and are influenced. Then we could say that history is written by the release more money, what a dilemma!

A man who spoke very wisely once said

"Be the change you want to see in the world" - Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

PD to accompany this image, you can hear "Across the River" of the movie "Motorcycle Diaries." Thanks to Marielle for such exquisite Deluna suggestion.


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