Sunday, March 13, 2011

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Virginia Woolf: A Room

Original language: English
Original title: A room of one's own
Publication Date: 1929
Rating: Highly Recommended

I do not think there's much to say about the English writer Virginia Woolf, nee Stephen, who has not been said already. His name sounds even the most uninitiated through more or less famous movies included in their title or in the plot to Mrs Woolf in one way or another, as Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (based on the work of Edward Albee), or Hours, where Nicole Kidman's fake nose in her face, she won the Oscar for her role of the writer. The

connoisseurs, know that Mrs. Dalloway , Orlando or Night and day are some of the titles of this author that, daring and talented as few, wanted to revolutionize the classic story lines followed until then by introducing new elements in his works and unusual techniques, more characteristic of poetry than prose.

honorary member of a group of British intellectuals and artists known by the name of the neighborhood where they met (Bloomsbury), belonging to a wealthy and quirky family, wife of poet Leonard Woolf, and the victim of mental disorders at an early age, Virginia Woolf is part of that unfortunate suicide list of writers that the world of literature dragged on forever.

The book before us is a test that emerged from the pen of Woolf as a result of which the writer decided to prepare and a series of lectures on the role of women in literature. Published in 1929, a year after these talks take place, own room is a neatly written essay, analytical and brilllante but also agile and rewarding reading, makes it clear that the sensible opinion of the author: for a woman to write and develop her writing career in top condition, you need to "own room", a place that goes beyond the (logical) sense of the term space, comprising also a position of economic independence.

So Woolf ponders in this book about what women missing and to spare to become a writer, compares it to the "man writer, examines the society of his time, considering appointing women to be named, notes, notes and speculations. And all, before the start of the 30's.

So own room, in my opinion, a book highly recommended because it is more meaningful than sensitivity issues, though not created, are still in the XXI century. There is nothing more to take the stormy debate that if the "women's literature" to remind us of Virginia Woolf, the Brontës, Corin Tellado, etc ...


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