Stéphane Hessel: Indignaos! An allegation against indifference and for the peaceful uprising
Original language: French
original title : Indignez-vous!
Date Published: 2010
Rating: Very disappointing
There is much to say in this review, and I'm not sure how to start, mostly because it would not extend beyond the tacit limits of this blog. But firstly a personal statement and radical: what a joke. And even add: Once again, we have put the bent. The worst thing is that I say this with all my heart, be aware that almost 100% share claims that the good Stéphane Hessel presented in this booklet. Let
a little history ...
few months ago, we heard that a book of just 30 pages, published by a publishing house completely underground, written by a mythical figure of 93 years and the French progressive intellectuals, was among the best sellers, if not the most, of our beloved country's northern neighbor. To say that the title was appealing was that little: Indignaos! . Wow. Menudo title. Zola and J'accuse ...! revived. It sold for 3 euros, more or less. The cover was shockingly poor. More underground, impossible.
so months ago, came the happy news: the book would be published in Spain. With Destiny, nothing less. Honestly, my first thought is that Destiny was not exactly "underground." But hey. Later I learned that in Spain would sell for $ 5, because it included a preface by José Luis Sampedro and other stuff. No offense, Sampedro not that I look very "underground." But hey. With that title ... Total
, finally I've bought and I've read. And I will not deceive you: he thought it would be a REAL impact on my actual life, which would form a phrase many tangled thoughts in my head, which, after reading it, I feel greatly outraged . But no sight is my assessment. How
hosts this book could be a best-seller in a given country as editorial pitch like France? Easy: because God or read the press because everyone walks cytokines with the TV or internet, and because, as shown in the last World Cup, the French are not what they were. There is more to see their president.
Let's talk about content as we are. In the English edition of Destination, after a box Paul Klee and the foreword by José Luis, is properly what we might call the book, which lasts exactly 27 pages in small format. The author introduces the reader Iberian with an "A English readers", which clarifies that the English reader is well placed to absorb the ideas on the following pages because there is a "rebellious and courageous Spain always [that] can support this drive towards a cultural Europe, and we thank the general pro-Palestinian stance that we have championed for much of civil society. And then we went into flour. In the end, a few pages of "Notes from the editor according to the author" and a CV of Hessel.
My fundamental problem with this book is that it does not say anything extraordinary, even again. Even says in a special emotionally. I repeat: I agree with almost everything it says. Hessel produced an interesting opinion piece while based on historical data relevant to the speech and a sharp outlining of many ideas, unfortunately no longer in use, on what the subtitle of the work. Synthesizing perhaps too, we could say this: Memory
World War II and its aftermath, which led to the creation of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as in occupied France during War, the emergence of the National Council of Resistance, which "liberated France proposed for a set of principles and values \u200b\u200bon which modern democracy would settle in our country." These values \u200b\u200b(treatment of immigrants, the right to social security and retirement, independence and honesty of the media dominance of civil society on the economic, etc.) Are lost. Brief history of how they succeeded. The state, though it says otherwise, it can guarantee the costs of these rights, and you should. Why not? Because "the power of money, as fought by the Resistance, had never been so big, brash, selfish with everyone from their own servants to the highest echelons of the state. Banks privatized care first of their dividends and the soaring salaries of their leaders, but not of general interest. "There are many reasons to be indignant, that each look for him, but, above all, to be outraged . Indifference is the worst attitude. And there are two "new challenges" that we identify to be outraged: "The huge gap between the very poor and very rich, which continues to increase" and "human rights and status of the planet. "Human rights are" universal "and not" international. "Palestine is my personal case of indignation. Even South African judge, Jew and Zionist, has "accused the Israeli army of committing" acts that constitute war crimes and perhaps in certain circumstances, crimes against humanity 'during Operation Cast Lead, which lasted three weeks. " A good phrase, "history gives few examples of people who take out the lessons of their history." The Palestinians use terrorism. Violence is the result of exasperation. The exasperation is negative, "a denial of hope." Nonviolence is the path we must learn to follow. "You have to give up hope of trust, trust in non-violence." Bad sentence: "Both side of the oppressors and of the oppressed, we must come to a negotiation that does away with the oppression. "We must defend a peaceful uprising. To create is to resist. Resistance is created.
Reconocedme that the summary I was impressed.
seeing: I have little objections to the thesis of this man. The curriculum is outstanding. Your participation in the discussion, definition, writing and defense of many of the rights that I and everyone we now enjoy was perhaps in certain respects, critical . The uprising in favor of non-violence, fundamental rights, the adjustment of the world is something I am totally ...
- Is there a catch, right?
No, no buts DOS. The first is that everything he says and is very said. And, rather. Even by our contemporaries, not only by former Resistance fighters. Ignoring the references to Martin Luther and Mandela, who even mentioned in the book today, and even if I hurry in the last few years, we have zillions of examples in opinion articles, books or speeches. In Spain, for example, Federico Mayor Zaragoza, who coined the term "culture of peace" while he was director of UNESCO, has published several articles in the country with similar thesis. Within UNESCO, in Paris, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco has for several years Aziza Bennani defending programs on culture of peace, democratic education and cultural diversity. Among the writers, Amin Maalouf has published two seminal books, Identities killer and, above all, The mismatch of the world, which not only repeated many of the arguments and thoughts of Hessel, but the interrogates, analyzes , puts them in front of a mirror and, finally, than with prose also splendid. And some items Soares. And Obama's speech in Cairo. And many more ...
The second "but" is that Hessel, freckle or naive, or has some cracks in his speech. To say that banks are part of the problem is like saying nothing, is a Wikileaks beta without gory details on the operations of Gaddafi's aesthetic, that boy fashion. To say that we need outrage is a sign that this good man has not walked a neighborhood tavern. The puerile defense made of non-violence falls under its own weight when they assume that the "oppressors" will participate in the "negotiation" of a universal balance without reason, suppose that for some sense of guilt or a good heart hidden in bundles of 500 notes or land mines or shot in the neck. With two balls, Stéphane! What we are proposing in the end, is that if we join all of humanity collectively outraged and indignant peacefully but with sufficient force, our superindignación force the "oppressors" to desoprimir good people of the world, which will recover the lost dignity in these years of choriceo, corrupt media and violence. Very poetic. A version of Blindness but indignant people, instead of blind people.
- Let's start by creating an event on facebook to see if we reach six billion.
- But Manolo, a sixth of the world's population lives on less than one euro a day. A third party is subject to daily violence and danger.
- Are you telling me there are people who do NOT have facebook? Look
did not want to dwell. But already done.
A engañifla this book. An impressive exercise editorial marketing. A sovereign expression of ideas and issues that abound in the media world progressive newspapers. A pro-Palestinian obsession suspiciously distant to many of the injustices (Directive of Return, for example) that take place daily in France today, now. Some arguments without argument, a thesis but beautiful children, a shameful lack of depth. A book, ultimately, unnecessary.
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