Antonio Hills: Sepulchre in Tarquinia
Original language: Castilian
Year: 1975
Rating: Essential
Today is World Poetry Day and we celebrate a comment of the most emblematic books of one of our finest poets, Antonio Colinas, just released its Complete Poetic Works (so far), 40 years after he won the City of Irun in its first edition.
is quite common, even in the works considered anthologies, a few poems highlight of the set, keeping the other a worthy but discreet presence. Not so in the production of hills, where everything that is collected has the same excellent quality. tomb in Tarquinia composed, like most of his works, in free verse, is divided into four parts which have a archaic scenery, the frequent use of memory, desolate landscapes, individuals drawn from the history and statism: the figures, human or not, straight out of a box, never replicated its partners so that their conversation is simple monologue. The stone, natural or architectural element, has a major presence symbolizes the past, explicit title to the first part and indirectly to the following two. The sharp musicality and aesthetics, as those of the author, not missing any of his verses, descriptive of the action predominate. In general, recreating all the classical references, the Golden Age to the generation of 27, making this and, above all, appropriating them to make them completely yours.
The first part, Bergamo stones, which uses, for the most part, the second person verbal, emotional transmits a cold. The poem which gives its name is composed of verses Alexandrian and classicism is even higher if possible: "If tomb contains a living maid; / if heart of stone, you sound like an oboe" . The symbolism is obtained based on colors (black, green and gold) and visual imagery, although sometimes referred to other senses: humidity, sound, temperature. In the poem Novalis, find echoes of S. Juan de la Cruz. Nature and feelings are identified (night / sadness - nostalgia / beauty). In Poseidonia, time winner - which compares the destruction of this city in Italy founded by the Greeks with the current loss of spiritual values \u200b\u200b- appear bucolic prints that are like bursts of the old pastoral poetry. Also here is reflected most widely read nature that lived, or the fusion of both, which lends a special plastic effect. The aesthetics of the European Renaissance is identified with the decadent elegance of early twentieth century in the poem Come, come to Europe . As in most of the compositions of Bergamo Piedras, goes to a party is changing and the absolute stillness, even the actions are static.: "... rain fell in Boulogne, / between two anarchists, Irish / singing, aircraft, dripping on Welwins Meadows Garden / a heaven of beer / (...) gets up at night with magnolias / about the brothels of Pompeii ". particular poem is pictorial in November in England , which closes the first part of the book.
Sepulchre in Tarquinia consists of a single poem - more than 500 verses, not just score and divided into sections - with an abundance of repetition and is still predominantly visual. This detailed description of a symbolic nature, is also addressed. It used enumerations chaotic, fusion of the old rural to urban modernity: "... after the hurricane of the stars, / fall, with golden trees / with burning towers and columns / walls covered with roses / late / and thou the same tram dotted / a waterside by boat "with a resource surreal " with a dream of horses ... / with a nest of tigers ... / with a herd of deer in the eyes ". The rhythm of each individual verse is as intense as in the rest of the production of hills, but the cadence of the poem is accelerated or delayed as missing or not tenses, change of pace at a gallop and vice versa. The whole poem is an act of nostalgia: The author went through images associated with full freedom, to a time and lived. They referred mainly to a past love without a future: "you know you remember now: / no one ever come to this place / here we bring the sea of \u200b\u200bdead fish / and there is more to life than that of the waves" .
The third part, entitled Petavonium Castra, although composed of eight poems in their own right, both in subject matter and resources could form a continuum similar to the previous. Except in the last poems, also used the second person, reasons such as horses and poetic devices are similar to the second but is now re-creates an environment for a ruthless warrior song of defeat.
In the last part, Two poems black light, night reappear, stones, silence and archaic architecture. Both paintings are nocturnal, with precise chiaroscuro so that we can perceive the outlines: "the glass is melted. / In the light falls or falls light frost (...) and are sprouting suns vacuum / crowns light from the shadows ". After a great accumulation of images, he concludes, each with a reflection transcendent "Sensed / light or the darkness of the grave" and "to scrutinize the life you have found it / and the grounds / in an Orb" .
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