Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Nikon Prostaff 4x32 Rimfire

67_365" In the Dominican photographers "

This is a summary of my tribute to Dominican women in this day, all that made me feel important, to which I have brought sighs, to which I have watered the eyes with admiration that inspire me. Mayra When choosing to honor my class, the artists of the image you decide to take on the challenge of painting with light part of the story. But also honor the women of my country because it is a true example of perseverance, motherhood project that seemed impossible, and constant rights of their gender.

Finally, I'm sure to choose an artist to honor the universal woman.

Mayra Infinite thanks for accepting to be my muse on this significant day and all they said. I am clear that the message was very good to them that I wanted. Long live women! Without them there would be no sighs, no long nights of insomnia and logical things that often go unnoticed ... we would not exist.


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