Miguel Angel Villar Pinto: The blood of God
Original language: English
Year: 2005
be read
For this this is another countryman and his first novel. Who is from La Coruna and is a first work I do be a bit condescending, but only to some extent.
Because we are facing an apocalyptic genre novel, which begins telling us the total destruction of humanity, but overall, total pounds is not even a secretary. And as one would expect, this is the result of the release of a virus designed by a cult. But not an Islamic sect, but Christian. In fact, one of the first things to consider is the detention by the star of the last of the terrorists of Islamic Jihad.
And with these events, despite the brevity of the novel, the author gives us a kind of political fiction, as will be telling the federal state of European Public Res 2050, even uses a common language, which is none other than a Latin update, very nice to read. Take the opportunity to stab nationalisms, very lucidly, in my opinion. And it also gives us a comparative religion classes, with emphasis on early Christianity, where they could not miss references to the texts of Qumran and Nag Hamadi.
The novel paints a disturbing future, and manages to transmit the schizophrenic environment experienced by the police's elite stars, but falls short description of the characters, which could have given much more play. Although points manners by the author, so we'll give him the benefit of the doubt and read other works by the same, and that this pays for the novice.
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