Monday, February 28, 2011

What Suit Suits A Tall Thin Man

vertical, bookstore CENTRAL

Gritos verticales, Gracia Iglesias, La Central, Museo Reina Sofía, Cangrejo Pistolero, MNCARS, Julián Moreno Hidalgo, Chuso Moreno Hidalgo, poesía February, dying, tended Madrid last Thursday on a last breath hot, an early spring afternoon, Just four days later, would be undermined by the fragility of a soft wind inconsistent snow. March has pushed into the cold north and chaired by a polished yellow sun like a skull. But back to February, to the afternoon of day 24 in the vertical that my screams rose to the top floor of the great library of the Reina Sofía National Museum, tucked behind the best omens and the love of those who were unable to attend the first presentation of the book in Madrid, which took place late last year.

Although I missed my editors always attentive , Nuria Mezquita and Antonio G. Villarán , and I would have liked to have my dear Juana Castro, Ana Arcas and Ana Rossetti (prologue, illustrator and a-way-of-sponsor of the book, respectively), was superbly accompanied by my good friends and Jesus Moreno Julián Hidalgo, who introduced the act setting forth the many reasons and definitions of vertical cry, in a brilliant presentation, lucid, loving and precise, the text I'm looking to send me to conserve and, if you give me permission to reproduce any passage in this waltz.

Gritos verticales, Gracia Iglesias, La Central, Museo Reina Sofía, Cangrejo Pistolero, MNCARS, Julián Moreno Hidalgo, Chuso Moreno Hidalgo, poesía

Both brothers also agreed to help in drilling small concert that accompanied the presentation the book.

Gritos verticales, Gracia Iglesias, La Central, Museo Reina Sofía, Cangrejo Pistolero, MNCARS, Julián Moreno Hidalgo, Chuso Moreno Hidalgo, poesía
Gritos verticales, Gracia Iglesias, La Central, Museo Reina Sofía, Cangrejo Pistolero, MNCARS, Julián Moreno Hidalgo, Chuso Moreno Hidalgo, poesía
Gritos verticales, Gracia Iglesias, La Central, Museo Reina Sofía, Cangrejo Pistolero, MNCARS, Julián Moreno Hidalgo, Chuso Moreno Hidalgo, poesía Using the same elements used for presentations to the Board Triangle Estraza in Madrid and Seville, the performance adapted to the new space replacing the candles can not light a fire in the meantime book, for new shares.

Gritos verticales, Gracia Iglesias, La Central, Museo Reina Sofía, Cangrejo Pistolero, MNCARS, Julián Moreno Hidalgo, Chuso Moreno Hidalgo, poesía
Gritos verticales, Gracia Iglesias, La Central, Museo Reina Sofía, Cangrejo Pistolero, MNCARS, Julián Moreno Hidalgo, Chuso Moreno Hidalgo, poesía
Gritos verticales, Gracia Iglesias, La Central, Museo Reina Sofía, Cangrejo Pistolero, MNCARS, Julián Moreno Hidalgo, Chuso Moreno Hidalgo, poesía

Gritos verticales, Gracia Iglesias, La Central, Museo Reina Sofía, Cangrejo Pistolero, MNCARS, Julián Moreno Hidalgo, Chuso Moreno Hidalgo, poesía

For more photos click on the link to visit the album of the action on Facebook .


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